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Below is the content from an email I sent last year :)

What book made an impact on you as a teen or preteen?
Last night I completed a print that has been in the works for over a month. It's called "Growth comes from love" and I daresay it's the most ambitious single print I've ever created. It's the fourth in my series of comforting rooms, measuring 16x12" and coming in at 6 layers. After this weekend, it will be available for sale at for $295
AND I'm giving one away.
This is the last layer of colour on the block. These big brass doors will be part of a series of doors within this project, since, for accessibility reasons, my house of comforting rooms has an elevator system.

Two thirds of the way through the linocut reduction, this is what protagonists Will and Harper Hugo Darling looked like. They chose the title "Growth comes from love" and you can see how fitting it is.
Yes, I'm deliberately not showing you the finished image until after the giveaway. You're just going to have to trust me that it is gorgeous :)

You're like: OKAY, I'm in. How do I enter this giveaway!?
Good news, you're half-way there just by being subscribed to this list. The other half of your entry is to respond to this email and tell me what book made an impact on you while you were a preteen or teen.
(before Saturday at noon MST)
Those brass doors above are an homage to the heroines in a number of books series by Tamora Pierce, an author who Harper Hugo and I loved deeply as library-obsessed children.
Brianna Tosswill
Comfort Architect